IIT JAM - Books
Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Admission Test
Computer Based Test
Updated On - August 06 2023 by Abhinandan Singh
Given below are some points that every candidate must familiar with while choosing the books for IIT JAM preparation:
Always choose the latest edition books, as they contains updated contents.
Candidates must check that the book has the previous years’ question papers as well.
Candidates must cover topics from books by famous authors or known publication houses.
One should always choose a book, which is in easy language and easy to understand.
While selecting the books for IIT JAM exam, candidate must compare the contents of two or more books to get an authentic and correct explanation of important topics.
Given below are some subject and topic-wise important books that will help candidate in IIT JAM Preparation:
Books for Physical Chemistry:
Books Name | Authors |
Atomic and Molecular Structure: Physical Chemistry | Peter W. Atkins |
Chemical Thermodynamics: Physical Chemistry | Thomas Engel & Phillip Reid |
Theory of Gase: Physical Chemistry | Peter W. Atkins |
Electrochemistry: An Introduction to Electrochemistry | Samuel Glasstone |
Chemical and Phase Equilibria: Principals of Chemical Equilibrium & Phase Rule | K.G. Denbigh |
Adsorption: Introduction to Surface Chemistry & Catalysis | Gabor A. Somorjai |
Basic Mathematical Concept: Differential Equation & Matrices | Shanti Narayan |
Chemical Kinetics: Chemical Kinetics | Keith J. Laidler |
Solid State: Solid State | Peter W. Atkins |
For covering the syllabus of Inorganic section, candidates can take help from the following section:
Books Name | Authors |
Chemical Bonding and Shapes of Compounds: Inorganic Chemistry | Meissler & Tarr |
Instrumental Method of Analysis: Instrumental method | Skoog, Holler & Crouch |
Bioinorganic Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry | James E. Huheey |
Periodic Table: Concise Inorganic Chemistry | J. D. Lee |
Analytical Chemistry: Quantitative Inorganic Analysis | A. I. Vogel |
Main Group Elements (s and p blocks): Concise Inorganic Chemistry | J. D. Lee |
Transition Metal (d block): Concise Inorganic Chemistry | James E. Huheey |
To cover all the topics of Organic chemistry section asked in IIT JAM Paper, candidate can take help from these books:
Books Name | Authors |
Qualitative Organic Analysis: Introduction to Spectroscopy | Pavia, Lampman, Kriz, Vyvyan |
Organic reaction Mechanism and synthetic applications | Organic Chemistry-Clayden, Greeves, Warner and Wothers Organic Chemistry- Carey & Sundberg |
Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry: Stereochemistry Conformation and Mechanism | P.S. Kalsi |
Natural Products Chemistry: Organic Chemistry (Vol-II) | I. L. Finar |
Heterocyclic Chemistry: Organic Chemistry (Vol-I) | I. L. Finar |
Given below are topic-wise important books to cover the syllabus of Physics generally asked in IIT JAM exam:
Books Name | Authors |
Mathematical Physics | H.K. Dass |
Mathematical Methods In The Physical Sciences | Mary L Boas |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics | Erwin Kreyszig |
Mathematical Methods for Physics & Engineering | Riley, Hobson & Bence |
Vector Analysis: Schaum’s Series | Murray R Spiegel |
Books Name | Authors |
An Introduction to Mechanics | Kleppner and Kolenkow |
Classical Mechanics & General Properties of matter | A.B. Gupta |
Classical Mechanics | Walter Greiner |
Classical Mechanics | J.C. Upadhyaya |
Classical Mechanics | Herbert Goldstein |
Books Name | Authors |
Optics | B. Ghosh |
Waves and Oscillations | N.K. Bajaj |
Waves and Oscillations | Brij Lal & N Subrahmanyam |
Optics | Eugune Hecht, A. R. Ganesan |
Optics | Ajoy Ghatak |
Books Name | Authors |
Electronics | B. Ghosh |
Solid State Physics | S.O. Pillai |
Digital Fundamentals | Floyd |
Solid State Physics | Puri & Babbar |
Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory | Boylestad & Nashelsky |
Books Name | Authors |
Heat & Thermodynamics | H.P. Roy & A.B. Gupta |
Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics & Thermal Physics | F. Reif |
Thermodynamics | Garg, Bansal & Ghosh |
Books Name | Authors |
Nuclear Physics | D.C. Tayal |
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics | David J. Griffiths |
Quantum Physics | H.C. Verma |
Concepts of Modern Physics | Beiser, Mahajan, Choudhury |
Name of Books | Authors |
Electricity & Magnetism | B.Ghosh |
Introduction to Electrodynamics | David J. Griffiths |
Given below are topic-wise important books for covering the topics of Mathematics section:
Books Name | Authors |
Modern Algebra | A. R. Vasishtha |
Integral Calculus | F. Ayres (Schaum’s), Gorakh Prasad |
University Algebra | N. S. Gopalakrishnan |
Real Analysis | H. L. Royden |
Vector Calculus | Murray R. Spiegel (Schaum’s), A.R.Vasishtha |
Linear Algebra | Seymour Lipschitz (Schaum’s), H. Anton, A.R.Vasishtha |
Principle of Real Analysis | S. C. Malik |
Ordinary Differential Equation | Peter J. Collins, G.F. Simmons, M.D. Raisinghania |
For covering the topics of Biotechnology section, interested candidates can take help from the following books:
Books Name | Authors |
Cell Biology |
Genetics |
Plant Physiology |
Molecular Biology |
Microbiology |
Animal Physiology |
Development Biology |
Immunology |
Biochemistry |
Biotechnology |
Ecology |
Systematics and evolution |
Plant embryology |
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